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30 Easy Tips For Growing Out Your Bangs

30 Easy Tips For Growing Out Your Bangs

Growing out your bangs can be a challenging journey, but it doesn’t have to be frustrating! In this guide, we’ll share 30 easy tips designed to help you grow out your bangs while keeping your look fresh and chic.

1. Utilizar acessórios para o cabelo

© blaxican_baddie

Os acessórios para o cabelo são os seus melhores amigos quando deixa crescer a franja. Utilize fitas para a cabeça, ganchos ou lenços para as manter no sítio com estilo. Cada acessório dá um toque único ao seu visual.

2. Experimente fazer tranças

© thehalestyle

Fazer tranças na sua franja é uma forma sofisticada de a gerir à medida que cresce. Incorpore-as numa trança lateral ou crie uma mini trança ao longo da linha do cabelo.

3. Acabamentos regulares

© jayne_edosalon

As aparas regulares são essenciais para manter o cabelo saudável durante o crescimento da franja. As aparas ajudam a remover as pontas espigadas, mantendo o seu cabelo com um aspeto fresco.

4. Experiment with Parting

© maybeitswavybaby

Changing your hair part can radically alter how your bangs appear. Try a side or middle part to see which suits your growing bangs better. It’s a quick and effective way to refresh your look without drastic changes.

5. Use Styling Gels

© oliviascanu

Styling gels can offer a sleek finish to your growing bangs. Apply a small amount to keep them in place or to create a wet look. Gels give you control over your hairstyle, allowing for versatile styling options.

6. Utilizar champô seco

© sonoranrosieherbal

Dry shampoo helps manage oily bangs and adds volume, making them less noticeable. Spray a light mist to refresh and lift your hair. This tool is essential for effortless maintenance and styling.

7. Optar por uma varredura lateral

© darlinsincerest

A side sweep transforms growing bangs into a chic style. Sweep them to one side and secure with a light spray or pin. This approach softens your facial features, giving you a graceful look.

8. Incorporar máscaras para o cabelo

© holistichairtribe

Hair masks deeply nourish your strands, promoting healthy growth. Apply masks to your bangs weekly to keep them soft and shiny. This treatment enhances the overall health of your hair, making the growing-out process smoother.

9. Utilizar rolos de cabelo

© amberlancaster

Hair rollers can add volume and curl to your bangs, making them easier to style. Roll them up and let them set for bouncy waves. This technique provides a playful, retro vibe to your hairstyle, perfect for various occasions.

10. Praticar a paciência

© styled_by_selena

A paciência é fundamental quando se deixa crescer a franja. Abrace esta viagem com uma mentalidade positiva, sabendo que cada fase traz novas oportunidades.

11. Considerar as extensões

© stylist.bailey

Extensions offer an immediate length boost, seamlessly blending with your bangs. Consult a professional for a natural appearance. Choose the right color and texture to match your hair.

12. Experimentar uma nova cor

© hairbyraynhigh

Changing your hair color can divert attention from awkward bang phases. Opt for highlights or a new shade to refresh your look. Consult a colorist to select tones that complement your skin.

13. Utilizar um protetor térmico

© tamiastyles

Os protectores térmicos protegem a sua franja de danos durante a criação de penteados. Pulverize antes de utilizar ferramentas de calor para manter a saúde do cabelo.

14. Opte por cortes em camadas

© linanoory

Os cortes em camadas podem misturar a sua franja com o resto do seu cabelo, criando um look harmonioso. Peça ao seu cabeleireiro camadas que se adaptem ao seu formato de rosto.

15. Abraçar a textura natural

© evanjosephcurls

Celebrate your hair’s natural texture by allowing your bangs to air dry. Enhance curls or waves with styling creams. By embracing your unique texture, you create an effortless and authentic style that complements your personality.

16. Utilizar estilos de cachecóis

© latashalagos

Scarves are stylish tools to manage growing bangs. Wrap them around your head, incorporating your bangs. Scarves not only hide awkward lengths but also add a trendy flair to your look.

17. Hidratar regularmente

© thebeautyinstitutephiladelphia

Regular moisturizing keeps bangs soft and manageable. Apply serums or leave-in conditioners to nourish your hair. Moisturizing prevents dryness and breakage, supporting healthy growth.

18. Evitar o calor excessivo

© cocoandeve

Excessive heat can damage your bangs, slowing growth. Limit the use of hairdryers and straighteners to protect your strands. This practice maintains natural moisture and promotes healthier hair.

19. Utilizar uma escova para o cabelo

© itsamandapasceri

Uma escova para brushing proporciona um acabamento suave e volumoso à sua franja. Utilize-a para as pentear à medida que crescem para um look polido.

20. Ajustar o comprimento da franja

© beautyandabeatz

Discutir o comprimento adequado da franja com o seu cabeleireiro ajuda a manter um look lisonjeiro. Os ajustes evitam fases incómodas.

21. Fixar com pinos de fixação

© bilintinamakeup

Os ganchos são ferramentas versáteis para prender a franja. Utilize-os para prender a sua franja para trás ou para criar estilos complexos.

22. Optar por um crescimento Pixie

© jayne_edosalon

Transitioning from a pixie cut involves a unique grow-out phase for bangs. Embrace each stage with tailored styles. This personalized approach ensures a graceful and stylish transition, highlighting your evolving look.

23. Aplicar óleos capilares

© tamiastyles

Hair oils nourish and strengthen growing bangs. Massage a few drops into your hair to promote shine and health. This treatment enhances texture and supports growth, allowing your bangs to flourish beautifully.

24. Utilizar um spray texturizante

© carm_inthetresses

Texturizing sprays add volume and life to your bangs. Spray lightly for a tousled, carefree look. These products offer flexibility, allowing you to style your bangs with ease.

25. Experimentar Updos com Franja

© latesthair

Updos incorporating bangs provide elegance and sophistication. Experiment with different styles for various occasions. This approach offers versatility, making it a perfect choice for formal events or a polished everyday style.

26. Utilizar um pente de dentes largos

© sagenaturals_ng

Os pentes de dentes largos reduzem a quebra e o emaranhado quando se trata de pentear a franja. Utilize um para desembaraçar com cuidado.

27. Incorporar franjas em rabos-de-cavalo

© queenbeautylounge

Incorporating bangs into ponytails offers a neat and stylish look. Sweep them back with the rest of your hair. This style is perfect for active days, keeping your bangs controlled and fashionable. .

28. Manter um diário das franjas

© itsamandapasceri

Documentar o percurso da sua franja ajuda a acompanhar o progresso e as mudanças de estilo. Mantenha um diário para anotar o que funciona melhor.

29. Invest in Quality Headbands


Headbands can be your best friend while growing out bangs. Choose different styles to match your outfits and mood. They effectively keep hair off your face and add a touch of style.

30. Explore Hair Supplements

Consider exploring hair supplements to support growth. Biotin, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids are known to promote healthy hair. Consult a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.